Big News, Rails Rumble is now Ruby Rampage!

A Quick Note for Pending Teams

Jul 15, 2009

With registration now closed, we're slowly working on the process ofpreparing for the next stages of this RailsRumble. In an effort tohelp clear up everything, we're requiring pending teams (you'll knowif you've either have received a pending email but not an approved emailor if you've got a big pending warning on your team page) completethe signup process by paying your donation via paypal or contact us.

Teams who haven't paid / contacted us by 23:59 GMT, July 22nd willthen have their team removed from the contest in order to give spotsto others who wish to compete. If you're on one of the pending teamsand have any questions / problems or simply want to be removed fromthe competition before then, feel free to contact us (either via the support link in the footer, or via #railsrumble on Freenode).