Ready to Rumble!
Rails Rumble 2009 Build Weekend is officially underway!
Contestants can now log into their accounts and begin working on their projects and configuring their webhosts. GitHub and Linode access information can be found on the profile page once you are signed in.
Remember that the contest ends at midnight UTC Sunday evening. We will not be allowing late commits. Enjoy yourselves, be good, and build some fantastic web applications! We all look forward to seeing what you come up with.
If you need support, you can visit the support link found at the bottom of the page, which will take you to our help desk system, Tender, graciously provided for us by the fine folks at ENTP. You can also find organizers in the official IRC channel, #railsrumble on the Freenode IRC network, or on Twitter at @railsrumble (please use the #railsrumble hashtag to tweet about your progress in the event!)
Have fun! We’ll see you in 48 hours or thereabouts!