Big News, Rails Rumble is now Ruby Rampage!

Dude That's a Sweet Sash

Oct 15, 2010

UPDATE: It has come to our attention that the sash JavaScript, like most everything good and pure, can hard crash IE7. But, as usual, there is a workaround using invalid markup. Make sure you paste the sash JS code between the closing body tag and html tag. Like this:

  <!-- Sash JS Here -->

So you’re all like, competing in the Rails Rumble this weekend. And you’re thinking, you know, your design is good, maybe great even, but it’s just… it’s missing that special something.

We’ve got just what you need: the official 2010 Rails Rumble site sash. Designed by our good friend Zach Inglis, we added just a touch of JavaScripty goodness to make it easy for you to install and show off your RR spirit. Want to add it to your site? Just paste this JS and you should be good to go:

You can omit the rumbleUrl if you don’t want it to link, or customize it so visitors can quickly get to your team profile. Order yours today!